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the project: "book"

if you're here, it's perhaps because you've found or been given a laminated index card.
if you have a card, post it on instagram with the hashtag #lifeofanya

"how to properly give up on life"

1. never play a losing hand
2. focus
3. dogs don't see size
4. there is no such thing as watching/consuming/enjoying "bad" things/people "ironically". if you're drawn to it, you like it.
5. you are not your thoughts
6. you don't find yourself, you meet yourself.
7. the answer to the riddle of life is in the receding of the question
8. if you listen closely to people talk, you can hear everything that's ever been said to them
19. clarity is whent you see things as they are
28. we know others in km, but ourselves in mm
29. wanting a better experience is a negative experience
32. very sick people are often very close to god, its part of why the mentally ill are magnetic.
44. not everyone gets to offer what they have to offer
53. all the work that matters is done long before it matters
76. to surrender: to melt into something bigger than yourself
77. be simple like children, be wise like snakes. keep your mind sharp and your body fluid
78. be a lamp, a lifeboat, a ladder
79. people are embarassed to have good posture because it shows hope and self respect
80. once the teeth go, everything goes.
81. rare things arent rare
82. arrogance is thinking that you can be a tourist in the land of dumb...careful...they may close the borders any minute, now!
83. Hope is when you lead your inner self into a house that doesnt yet exist; do not betray yourself with fantasy
88. if you're not sober, it's because you don't want to be

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